
me at the Belize Zoo

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Crystal Skull Goes Eccentric

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog this week! It has been an exhausting week full of a lot of work!  I finished up working at the caves after 5 days in them and the day after I switched they found 2 whole bowls in the unit I had set up with Brandi.  I was pretty bummed I didn't get to see them, but I was really excited for the girls who found it.  I really liked the caves but I'm kind of glad I got to switch because it was kind of difficult working in the dark for so long.  Now I am working at a new site, on Monday I worked at a Sacbe Intersection (ancient Mayan road) it is really cool to see the technology they had and how it must have connected people like highways connect us.  Then today I got to work at a Mound near a Cave.  Today George from Chicago found a spear point made out of quartzite, it was really exciting! Dr. Powis said it was an eccentric and probably wasn't used for hunting.  Over the weekend we went out to the casino and I lost $5 belizian dollars on the slot machines.  It was fun.  On Sunday we went to the ATM Cave and had the BEST TIME EVER!  It was such an adventure, and so cool!  The cave is mostly in water so it was a trek to get to the inside.  There are a lot of untouched whole pots and even some skeletal remains that were cool to see.  Tomorrow I'll be working at the Mound again probably and then this weekend we have 3 days off and a lot of us will be going to the Keys to see the Beach and relax after 2 full weeks of work!  Love and miss you guys!

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