
me at the Belize Zoo

Monday, June 27, 2011

dwindling days of my month long adventure

We're down to the final stretch, the last few days in San Ignacio, Belize.  Though I am really looking forward to being home and seeing my family and friends, I am going to seriously miss this place and the amazing people I have met here.  It has truly been a life altering experience that has really shown me what I want to do with my life.  YAY for figuring stuff out!  I can truly say that I will leave Belize a new and better person who has actually experienced the real world!  AKA peeing in the jungle multiple times and eating termites.  It's been a crazy time, and I am so thankful for all the memories I have from this place.  Today was our last full day of work, it went by really fast, but I was very thankful to spend it at our site core at Pacbitun.  It is the main part of our project, PRAP (Pacbitun Regional Archaeological Project) so it is nice to finish out the month there.  Tomorrow we have a half day of work and then we're exploring another cave in the afternoon.  Wednesday we have to turn in our field notes for the last time, take our end of field school final, and then pack up the lab.  It is going to be a feat fitting all my stuff back in my suitcases when I pack.  We head to the airport on Thursday morning at 7am and my flight leaves at 3:30, while everyone else leaves around 11, hopefully I'll get some GRE studying done waiting in the airport.  Well tonight we had a lecture from Dr. Linda Howie from Western University in Canada about Ceramics in the Terminal Classic to Spanish Era.  Really interesting lecture even though my interests aren't in ceramics.  Now I'm sitting in the lobby with my roomie Laura writing this blog listening to a lovely Belize rainstorm watching lightning in the Belize Valley.  I can't lie and say I won't miss this place and that I don't love it.  Because I do, I will definitely be experiencing some culture shock when I get mean there are toilets INSIDE the house?  Plantains beans and rice aren't served for every meal?  I don't have to worry about malaria and chagas?  It is going to be weird.  I LOVE BELIZE! I know I will come back here someday...heck maybe I'll even study the Maya, sorry Italian archaeology, you're not as fascinating to me!  See you all in a few days, ADIOS!

1 comment:

  1. You should be a travel writer on top of becoming an archaeologist! I'm loving listening to the rain with you roomie!
